Thinking to Believe

110: Does God Exist?, pt 41: Human Equality, Free Will, Miracles, Resurrection

April 19, 2024 Jason Dulle Episode 110

I offer four more arguments for God's existence from human equality, free will, miracles, and the resurrection.

I argue that the notion of human equality has no place in a materialistic worldview, but can only be grounded by a transcendent source like God who.

I argue that there can be no free will in a materialistic universe. Freedom of the will requires a human soul, and the best explanation for the human soul is God.

I argue that miracles occur, and they point us to a supernatural cause whose identity can be revealed by the context of the miracle. 

Finally, I argue that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the best explanation of the historical evidence, and that Jesus' resurrection demonstrates that the Christian God is the true God and Christianity is the one true religion. 

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