Thinking to Believe

118: Miscellany - Exposition of 1 Cor 3, DEI, Advice from Failures, Pet the Peeve

Jason Dulle Episode 118

In this miscellany episode, I exegete two passages in 1 Corinthians 3. I argue that when Paul warns people about the way they are building (with gold, silver, and precious stones vs. wood, hay, and straw), he is not talking about individual Christians' spiritual development. He is talking about the way in which ministers in Corinth were ministering to the body of Christ. Some of their efforts have eternal worth and some do not, and they need to be sure that they are building something of eternal value. 

When Paul goes on to warn against destroying God's temple, he's not referring to Christians sinning against their own bodies by smoking, drinking, etc., but warning ministers that if they destroy God's people, God will destroy them. 

Then, I explain why DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is an evil, racist, unjust, Marxist philosophy that should be rejected by Christians because it requires discriminating against some groups to benefit others, and values group identity over personal merit. 

I also argue that those who have failed at some X can still be a source of advice regarding X.

Finally, I pet the peeve...twice! I talk about Christian parents who have their kids involved in so many extracurricular activities that they don't have the time to focus on the family and spiritual development. I also talk about those who feel the need to tune out anyone who disagrees with them. 

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